It's shortly before 8 on a summer night. School is out for another two weeks, so kid the younger is playing outside, while kid the older is endlessly flipping the tv, looking at increasingly un-funny comedians. I am sipping a craft brew (fancy beer by any other name), and winding down from a long week.
Typical for these parts.
We are three with ADHD: a single Mom, an adult son, and a daughter. With all the distractedness, impulsiveness, losing things, forgetting appointments and everything you think that implies. Someone once asked me how we manage.
Well this is my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Typical for these parts.
We are three with ADHD: a single Mom, an adult son, and a daughter. With all the distractedness, impulsiveness, losing things, forgetting appointments and everything you think that implies. Someone once asked me how we manage.
Well this is my story, and I'm sticking to it.