What a wonderful year it has been!
I've learned that I can absolutely write on a deadline.
I've also realized that if I don't jot down my ideas as they come to me, I might never see them again.
I discovered that my kids think it's kinda cool that I write a blog.
I also found out that they think my subjects are only interesting to other adults.
I've learned that the world might not come to an end due to differing opinions.
I also found out that differing opinions have consequences, as there are some people that I found out have no tolerance for opinions that they do not share.
But mostly, Dear Reader, I have come to know YOU, enjoy your comments, when there are any, and learn to talk comfortably about any topic ranging from what's going on in the world, to what is happening in our own lives and backyards.
It's a conversation, I hope to continue for years to come.