When you think of it that way, every New Years Eve is a huge step into a brave new world. Not the tightly controlled, sterilized world of Aldous Huxley's novel, but a world of possibilities of your own making and choosing. You now have 365 days to figure out what you want to do with them. The key thing here, is figuring out what YOU want to do. This is not the time to write someone else's goals into your life plans.
I had spent my entire life wanting to be a writer. After years of fear of failure stopping me from pursuing it, I made a promise to myself last December 31st, that starting on January 1st, I would make some effort, at some point during the year, to get myself back into it. Granted it took me until August to start taking even baby steps, but I finally got it done. This blog, and several other projects, are a result of that.
Whatever it is for you, it can be done. What means the most to you, and what do you want to do with it? These are the questions that change lives, and in some cases, change the world. For some it could mean a commitment to getting their financial house in order. That could mean anything from writing letters to settle debt, to committing small amounts to savings each paycheck, to clearing up a credit report, to maybe even searching for a better job. The point is to take any small step that allows you to move forward.
The beginning of a new year is a signal to move forward. You can't change anything about the year that has passed, but upon reflection, you will always see something that you feel that you could have done differently. Now is the time to make that change. However small or large, this change could be the very thing that you needed to do for yourself in order to progress toward your goal. Don't think an inch is progress? Ask a turtle.
Tomorrow is the first day of a new year. You have 365 chances to make your life into the life you want. Get to it!