To all of those out there struggling with financial issues, I pray for help when you need it most, and piece of mind while you work toward solutions;
To all those dealing with illness and injury, I pray for a healing touch and lasting wellness;
To those having relationship issues, or who are alternately experiencing feelings of loneliness, I pray for the knowledge that the love of God will always be enough to sustain you through this, and everything else that you might go through;
To those dealing with grief and loss, I pray for comforting words and to be surrounded by the love of family and friends.
But mostly, this morning, I pray for peace. Peace in our hearts from the constant worries that have plagued so many of us this year. Peace in our cities from the struggle to live together as equals. Peace in our world as we try to find mutual understanding, even if it is more profitable for some to keep us divided and in a perpetual state of war.
In what is called the Annunciation to the Shepherds, the angels declared Peace on Earth, Good will towards men. I can't begin to express how much we need more of this type of sentiment. Not the fake, shut up and go away type that so many deeply immersed in the current power structure would like, but true peace from people living in peace, one with another, with mutual respect and true kinship as among friends. The way we should be living: free from fear of others or authority, free from fear of sudden economic collapse, free from fear of sudden terror at the hands of enemies, known or unknown.
There are so many issue that need to be addressed in the world: war, poverty, the mountains of debt threatening to enslave the formerly middle class, selfishness, ignorance, and a whole host of social and political ills.
But just for a day or two, let us have Peace.