As it were.
Normally I would recap the year, talk about lessons learned, and express my hopes for the new year.
Nope. Not this time.
I am ready to leave the past exactly where it is.
Because this year broke me in ways I never thought possible. And for once, I learned my lessons in ways both immediate and incredibly painful. And you have already read all of those stories.
I am focused on what's next.
So what IS next?
This is the year I finally start to pay a little attention to myself. I have spent so much time and energy attempting to be all things to all people, that my own health and well-being was reduced to putting out fires that flared up from my benign neglect of me. It was terrible to realize that I finally started losing weight more by happenstance than design. I decided that since my job was so physically demanding, that I shouldn't blow this opportunity to better my health, and eat more mindfully.
Minding one's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health should not be some incidental thing that one stumbles across in the midst of constantly doing everything for everybody. Non-stop self sacrifice makes for wonderful novels and t.v. movies, but realistically, the actual toll that pointless martyrdom takes in enough to drive even the most reasonable person around the bend.
Having taken too many drives around bends I never saw coming, I am DONE.
Although I will always prioritize the needs of my family, the days of sacrificial neglect of self are now behind me. I am moving forward. For my own best interest and piece of mind.
See you on the other side.