I love you for your cool mornings and warm afternoons.
I love you for your shortened days, and early evenings, reminders of the winter yet to come.
I love you for your suggestions that it's time to put away the light blankets of summer, and break out the heavy comforters needed for the colder coming nights of winter.
I love you for giving me permission to breakout the crock pot for the heartier chilis, soups and stews that are hallmarks of Fall weather.
I love you for signaling to the legion of home bakers, that tis the season to start warming up your oven again. In Autumn, not a day goes by that I don't smell fresh baked cakes, pies, cookies or bread coming from the homes of my neighbors.
I love you for bringing in the holiday season that brings the family together more often than we see each other all year. From Halloween, a day ostensibly for kids, but adults enjoy it just as much, to the Thanksgiving meal shared with loved ones that also gives everyone a chance to talk to people they rarely see outside of social media, and leading into Winter and Christmas.
I love you for your changing the colors of the trees around me, giving me a small glimpse of nature's paintbrush. It may not be as prominent as New England, but is beautiful, all the same.
I love you in Southern California for your cooling of the desert heat, and the spectacular sunsets it creates over the Pacific Ocean. And for the shift in local news from emphasis on the surf report to the conditions for skiing in the local mountains. Even as a lifelong resident, I've always found that kind of amusing. We live in one of the only places on Earth where by late Fall, a person can surf in the morning, then ski later on that same afternoon.
But mostly, as a Fall baby myself, I love you for the glorious harvest season that birthed me. With it's times of change, reminders to rest, reflect and be thankful, and hints of the new year to come, Autumn has always been my favorite season.