I make no secret of the fact that I do not particularly enjoy my kids' tastes in music. The fact that they play the songs TO DEATH is a guarantee that I will find myself humming the song at some random point, if only because I can't get away from it unless I barricade myself in my room with earplugs. Having grown up listening to everything from the experimental jazz of the 60's, to the disco and hard funk of the 70's to my discovery of all things rock and roll, past and present in the 80's, generally I try to be pretty open about what I listen to. But I can honestly say that I hate some of the sweet electropop my daughter loves more than I hate that whiny cartoon, Caillou, and that's saying a lot.
I kid, I kid. Sort of.
Earworms are like that, though. If it's a song you like, but maybe forgot about, having the song pop up suddenly can be a great memory of a time in your life that was free of the burdens and worries that you have now. I love it when songs are tied to a movie I haven't seen in a long time, as it gives me a reason to go back and re-watch movies from my childhood and teen years. It's interesting, however, when you are going through a extremely difficult or trying time in your life, and a song will suddenly pop into your head whose lyrics directly correspond to whatever it is that you are experiencing. I've always figured that this was the universe's way of making sure you don't feel like you are going through this all alone; somebody out there gets it because they've been through it too.
I've has songs creep back into my memory that reminded of entire genres of music that I had forgotten about. One morning I woke up with the song "Beautiful Disaster" by the group 311 playing in my head:
As varied as my musical background is, I find it interesting what kind of notes, lyrics, and occasionally entire albums spring into my head on a daily basis. It rarely, if ever gets boring, and it's nice to know that the catalog in my head can pull up a song to match almost any occasion. It makes for an interesting Facebook feed when I get post happy some nights.
And I don't hate EVERYTHING my kids listen to. But don't tell them that. Then I'll never get to listen to what I want while I clean the house. And maybe plant a few earworms of my own.