What to do in this, the "witching hour", as it was once called.
This is when the troubles of the day tend to make their return visit, reminding me of tasks not yet completed, and beginning to set my to do list for the coming day.
I try to soothe my mind by attempting some reading on my phone, but social media has begun to make for far worse anxiety than that which woke me in the first place, so I think that is probably not the best possible way to return my mind to a restful place.
So I get out of bed, as I am not going back to sleep anytime soon, and I go into the living room for Classic Arts Showcase on KCET (a local station), and a light snack,
And I let my mind wander with the beautiful music and dance pieces.
To dreams of travel to exotic places,
To possible resolutions to lingering issues.
To prayers of thanksgiving for received blessings, and petition for emerging challenges.
To flights of fancy, and frankly, escapist daydreaming, that sometimes come to occasionally lonely middle-aged women wide awake at a time they should be sleeping.
And to you, Dear Reader, whom I haven't had a real conversation with in quite some time as I have struggled with profound writer's block. We shall return to regular visits, this I promise you.
But I may need to get some rest first.