But the urge to write compels me to give you a short missive before the official part of my day begins.
We've been on this experiment for four years now, and I think for the most part we have gotten to know each other fairly well. Although, I admit that I haven't been as communicative as I have been in the past, I think I am finally ready, in this next two year session, to talk about more subjects, and embrace the truth that this blog is very Seinfeld like in it's scope. I talk about Nothing. And Everything.
We laugh, we cry, we mourn, we celebrate. And we take major life steps as a community united through the musings of a single woman in Southern California, navigating slowly and carefully through her life, and her roles as a daughter, sister, mother, and friend.
Three is my personal magic number. This is the third time I've re-newed this website, and I think this is going to be one of our best runs as this experiment continues through another two years. So many things to talk about, and so many subjects to explore. I don't just look forward to seeing where we end up in two years; I am also interested in seeing how we get there.
Here's to the journey.